Every Moment Counts!
Another fantastic week has flown by at Henderson Green Primary. We are nearly into our final week of term! This week, Year 6 went on the first school trip of the year to Gressenhall. They all had a fantastic day and were fully immersed in their learning whilst off site. All of the children upheld our new school rules of being ready, respectful and safe. We were very proud of the feedback given.
Next week, we have another busy week and we are really looking forward to celebrating Harvest as a school. Thank you kindly to everyone who has brought in donations so far for the trussell trust and have brought back their attendance slips for our Harvest Assembly on Friday. The children have worked really hard with their teachers and we look forward to seeing you there!
We are continuing to work on our new school moto:
Be Ready, Be Respectful and Be Safe.
In order for our school rules to work efficiently and effectively for all pupils, you will all receive an important letter today. Should you wish to discuss this letter. Please make an appointment with the school office.
Once again, we awarded lots of certificates today in Celebration Assembly today for right choices and amazing work! Well done to everyone!
Let's Celebrate Attendance
whole school attendance
this week was 92.9%. In joint first place this week is
Reception and Year 2
100%, second place is
Year 6 with 97.1%
and in third place was
Year 1 with 95%. This term, children in Key Stage 2 with the highest attendance have loved spending an extra day on the outdoor equipment. Children at the end of term with 100% attendance will be awarded with a certificate and invited to afternoon tea. This will reset at the beginning of every half term.
Year 6 Trip to Gressenhall
On Wednesday 11th October, Year 6 ventured back in time to the peak of World War 2. Roleplaying as evacuees who were stuck at Gressenhall, they were given the chance to live and understand the way evacuees would have lived during their time there, as well as see some of the roles and responsibilities of adults still in England. They put on their scariest war faces as they worked with the home guard, looked at the limited food resources due to rationing (plus the importance of bartering and 'digging for victory'), explored the importance of the WLA and felt what it was like to go into an Anderson shelter (see picture.) A thrilling day with lots of learning. Year 6 really stepped up and took everything in well. Big thank you to Mr Nicholson and Mrs Massen who supervised the trip.
Car Park Safety Announcement
We are very lucky to have a large car park and many parents are able to drive down to the school in the morning and after school. Please can you ensure you are using the car park correctly, parking considerately in the spaces provided, not stopping at the end of the drive and allowing children to get out of the car there. Additionally if walking/cycling to school, please can you ensure your children are dismounting their bikes, safely walking down the path and crossing the road. Thank you.
Raising Awareness at Henderson!
This week, we also showcased awareness to World Mental Health Day and One Tree Day. On Tuesday in school, it was a wonderful vision of yellow as the children proudly wore their yellow t-shirts. It was lovely to hear how children are looking after their own mental health. Well done if you got involved with the 'Get Britain Talking' activity sent home via email.
Today, we raised awareness for One Tree Day. We managed to raise together £111!! Which will mean 111 trees will be planted by our support. This is our second year to be part of this charities journey and we are very proud to be involved. Check out their website for more information on what the charity is about and their impact.
Next week, we are really looking forward to celebrating our Harvest assembly. Please note: as we will be celebrating harvest on Friday, celebration assembly will be moved to Thursday next week! As it is the end of term, the winning house will be awarded with a non-uniform day. The winning house team will be allowed to wear non-uniform on Thursday. This information will be shared with the children in Monday's assembly. Notice will be displayed in our information window.
We really are making a difference together and it is so important for our children to see this, so thank you for your continued support to help us make these events happen!
Future dates
Henderson Green Primary Academy,
Earlham Grove,
Norwich, NR5 8DX
Telephone: 01603 628030
Henderson Green Primary Academy is part of the Unity Schools Partnership. They are contactable via the following details:
Unity Schools Partnership Offices, Homefield Road, Haverhill, Suffolk, CB9 8QP.
Telephone: 01440 333400.