Henderson Green Primary Academy Newsletter - 15th December 2023

    • December 15, 2023

    Attendance this week


    Mrs Gribble


    Miss Coley

    Deputy Headteacher

    Every Moment Counts!

    What a festive week! The children brought so much joy at their Christmas performances - we were so proud of all of you and the outfits were amazing!. The children have worked their socks off this term and we really are seeing big changes across the school.

    Thank you to everyone who attended the Friends of Henderson Christmas Fair - it was a great success. As always, we really do appreciate all of the support you give. The total raised for the fair, disco and book fair will be announced next half term.

    Next week, we will end the week with our penultimate trip. Year 2 and 3 are off to Crossroads Church next to make christingles and everybody will have the opportunity to get dressed up for the end of term Christmas discos.

    We can't wait!

    Thank you for your continued support. We hope you all have a lovely Christmas.

    Let's Celebrate Attendance

    Our whole school attendance this week was 93.8%. In first place this week is Year 1 97.6%, second place is Year 6 with 96.8% and in third place was Year 4 with 96.1%.

    Reminder, as a school, we are no longer allowed to authorise any requests for children to be taken out of school for a holiday during term time.

    Star Pupils!

    Due to spectacular performances this weeks stars will be celebrated in celebration assembly on Monday ...

    Year 1 Rita - Rita has sent a really amazing example at how to be ready during our nativity rehearsals. She is focused and ready to perform! She was amazing in the KS1 nativity play. Well done Rita!

    Year 2  Whole Class - For being absolutely spectacular with their nativity practices and performance. They have been really sensible when practicing their lines and have worked well in a team to sing harmoniously together. Well done!

    Year 3 Vanessa - In Cromer, we are proud of Vanessa for effort in reading when highlighting the key facts she needs to help her retrieve and infer information.

    Year 4 Willow - Our star of the week is Willow! She has been doing marvellous Maths all term. She always strives to reach her full potential and has made amazing progress this term. Well done, Willow!

    Year 5 Calvin -  Calvin is the Year 5 Star for his marvellous maths and creative Danish open sandwich which he made in Design and Technology.

    Year 6 Tshuma - In Horsey, we are so proud of Tshuma because he has been working really hard on his fractions work. He used a fraction wall well to help him with equivalence.

    Winning House Team

    This half term, the winning house team is WILLOW!!!

    Children in WILLOW team will be allowed to come in non-uniform on Wednesday.

    Christmas Fair Winners

    Where is Santa? - Jenson Y2

    Guess the name of the teddy - Ashton Y3

    How much does the Christmas cake weight? - Andrei-Marian Reception

    A notification about raffle prizes will be sent out via Bromcom - if you have a winning ticket please come and collect your prize from the school office.

    Well done everyone! We are extremely proud of you.

    Year 4 and 5 Visited Ivy Care Home

    Last week, Year 4 and 5 walked to the Ivy Care Home to sing to the residents. The children performed songs and poetry brilliantly bringing joy and festivities to all. Thank you to all the parent helpers who came along to support and to  Miss Coley  who organised and Mrs Keal for Ms Bygrave for preparing.

    Year 6 Visited the University of East Anglia

    Last week, Year 6 spent the day at the UEA. There, they were able to sit and take part in two lectures one informing them on wellbeing and looking after themselves and the other on Ancient Egypt. The children loved sitting in them and they felt extremely grown up. Later in the day, the children were given a tour of the university. It was a great opportunity for the children and they loved the day.

    Year 5 Visited Hall Farm

    Last week, Year 5 travelled to Great Yarmouth to visit a farm. The children came back grinning from ear to ear with their homemade wreaths, telling Miss Coley they spotted a barn owl and tasted some autumn and winter honey.


    We have had such a busy Autumn term, we have implemented our new curriculum, built links within our wider community and lots of classes have had extracurricular opportunities inside and out of school. Below are highlights written by the class teachers. The children have worked incredibly hard this half term and Mrs Gribble and Miss Coley are extremely proud of everyone. Next half term, Year 4 will begin swimming, Year 1 will start Bushcraft and Year 6 will begin Karate. Please note this will mean, there will be changes to PE days.

    Class newsletters will be circulated on the first day of term, so you will have all the information needed.


    This term Rocket class have been looking at different ways people celebrate. We firstly looked at Diwali which is the festival of lights, we used playdough to make playdough diya lamps. We found out Miss Aliyah celebrated Diwali and she brought in some diya lamps for us to look at and talk about during show and tell. We talked about all the colours we could see and we asked lots of questions; like who gave it to you? What is it made from? We then looked at Hanukkah, which was a Jewish celebration. We noticed they also had a lamp that looked a bit similar to the diya lamp, we found out it was also called the festival of lights! Lastly, we have been learning all about Christmas and have our Christmas wrapping station and Christmas writing corner.


    Reception has had a fantastic first term settling into the routines of school. We have been so busy, from learning to read all our phonic sounds, to making new friends, to getting creative and messy during our craft sessions and enjoying time outdoors during Forest School sessions. We certainly enjoyed learning our songs for Harvest and performing to the parents, it was a great introduction to performing ahead of our Christmas performance. One of our highlights was our trip out the The Playhouse Theatre were we were completely mesmerized by the performance of The gruffalo's Child. We came back and have been reading lots of Julia Donaldson books! The children have made such amazing progress and I wish them all the best as they continue their journey through school - Mrs Leggett

    Year 1

    This half term Mr Diprose really enjoyed his mornings when many different children would bring in learning from home. This included lots of leaves from deciduous trees (see if your child can tell you what an evergreen tree is) and many examples of writing, maths and handwriting that children have done at home. It makes me very happy to see children excited about learning and exploring things that interest them in their own time. 

    Year 2

    This half term year 2 have had the opportunity to attend Brush craft sessions once a week. We learnt how to safely start a fire using a flint and steel, as well as partake in some ambitious archery and how to successfully create a shelter using some tarp. We have also had the pleasure of having our parents come along and read with us once a week. We were able to share our love for reading with them and hear some great storytelling. Year 2 have also been making outstanding progress with their phonics. Every child has attended their phonics session with a positive mind frame and they have been trying their best at applying their knowledge in their Reading or Writing sessions. As the

    term ends, we have been filling the school with our harmonious singing in preparation for our KS1 Nativity show. We hope you will all be able to attend to watch our masterful performance.

    Year 3

    Cromer Class have had a great half term! Our highlights have been learning Karate and our recent trip to Norwich Castle. We have also enjoyed delving into the reading buddy texts and have earned LOTS of house points for all the 80% and above quizzes we have been doing. We have enjoyed earning badges on Reading buddy too and have enjoyed reading to Mr Arthur who has been volunteering twice a week to read with us. 

    Year 4

    This term, Year 4 have worked very hard and have been incredibly focused in lessons. We were lucky enough to to have the opportunity to work with the UEA on a maths project. I was proud when they told us that the class were very well behaved and were a clever bunch! We also went to the Ivy House Old People's Home.to sing carols and readings.

    This term, we have really focussed on our reading and times table ready for the timestable checks next year.

    Year 5

    This half term, Year 5 has been busy learning to sew for a purpose - making a high-vis safety belt to wear in the dark. Our Year 5 Play Leaders have been excellent role models and set up some brilliant games for the other children to join in with at Break Times and Lunchtimes. We enjoyed sharing how we read in Year 5 with our families and I think they learnt lots too. Swimming has been great fun and everyone has made progress in the pool. We joined Year 4 and had a lovely time singing Christmas Songs at the Ivy Care Home. A fantastic time was had at the farm, with something for everyone to enjoy - including jumping in puddles, honey tasting, a trailer ride, wreath making and learning all about bees, chickens and cows.

    Year 6

    Year 6 have had such an amazing first term. We have hit the ground running with our different topics and worked hard to access our new curriculum. We have loved reading the exhilarating story of Sophie leaping across the buildings of Paris in ‘Rooftoppers’ and the unbelievable story of Cameron and his life-altering journey in ‘Pig-Heart Boy’. We have also developed our writing by exploring persuasive speech, stories with morals and poetry. We have worked hard to improve our four operations in maths and are really getting our heads round fractions in Maths. A highlight of our term was our trip to Gressenhall Workhouse, which really solidified our understanding of World War 2 and the impact it had on people’s lives. We are so proud of ourselves for the 2 mock SATs we have done this term. It has been a challenge but we have tried our best.

    Year 3 Visited Norwich Castle

    On Wednesday 6th December , Cromer class went to Norwich Castle for the mystery of prehistory day!

    There, they were able to consolidate their current learning of the Stone Age, Iron Age and Bronze Age through 4 different activities. All had lots of fun and particularly enjoyed being Neolithic hunters to hunt a deer (Mr Froud).

    Future dates

    • Every Thursday next half term 2.45pm  - EYFS/KS1 Reading Sessions
    • 18th December - Year 2/3 visit to local church
    • 19th December - Christmas Discos - KS1 (3.30- 4.15pm) KS2 (4.30-5.30pm)
    • 21st December to 3rd January - Christmas Holidays
    • Spring Term begins 4th January - School open

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