Henderson Green Primary Academy Newsletter - 1st December 2023

    • December 1, 2023

    Attendance this week


    Mrs Gribble


    Miss Coley

    Deputy Headteacher

    Every Moment Counts!

    It has been a busy week at Henderson Primary Academy. It has been wonderful to see the children start their rehearsals for their Christmas Nativity and concert- the tree is up and it's beginning to feel a little Christmassy here!

    Year 4 had their parent reading session and it was a great success - thank you to those who joined. Today, we had non-school uniform today for our tombola donations. Thank you again to all who contributed, we will be taking donations all of next week too, should you have forgotten today.

    This week, Miss Coley and Miss Storey also attended their Fire Marshall training.

    Thank you for your continuing support.

    Let's Celebrate Attendance

    Our whole school attendance this week was 92.9%. In first place this week is Year 6 again with 98.2%, second place is Year 1 with 97.8% and in third place was Year 4 with 94.2%.

    Reminder, as a school, we are no longer allowed to authorise any requests for children to be taken out of school for a holiday during term time.

    Star Pupils!

    This weeks stars in celebration assembly were...

    Year 1 Niharikaa - Niharikaa has set an amazing example to the class this week about how to be ready, be respectful and be safe. Not only this but she keeps impressing me with her knowledge of trees! Great learning Niharikaa!!

    Year 2  Izabella - She has been resilient with her hand writing, making sure to start her letter formations from the correct place. Well done!

    Year 3 Betsy - This week, we are proud of Betsy for her positive attitude and always trying her best.

    Year 4 Anthony - Our star of the week is Anthony! He has been working super hard all week and having a fantastic attitude to his reading. Anthony has also been making great choices this term. Brilliant work, Anthony!

    Year 5 Diana - The star in Sea Palling is Diana. She has a fantastic attitude to learning and always tries her best. This week she has excelled herself - completing extra Maths at home to develop her understanding of fractions.  .

    Year 6 David - Star of the week for Horsey goes to David for his hard work and dedication this week. He has been an excellent role model and showed great maturity in his approach to learning.

    Well done everyone! We are extremely proud of you.

    Christmas Dinner Day

    Following the letter you received this week.

    As we now have two classes on an extracurricular activity day next Wednesday. We have changed Christmas Lunch Day to Thursday 7th December.

    Therefore as you will see it on ISelect, the option has not changed for each day, so the option you select for the 6th as originally planned will be used for the 7th  (Thursday) and the option selected for the 7th will be used for the 6th (Wednesday).

    Polite reminder:

    If your child receives universal meals or you wish for your child to have a school dinner option please ensure you have activated your select meals account (detail reminder sent out today) and select the meals for each day. If you wish, you are also able to select for the whole term. Please note, from the 1st of December if your child's lunch is not selected they will receive the pasta lunch option.

    If you need any assistance with this, please speak to the office. Thank you

    We say farewell...

    This week, we have said goodbye to Miss McMorrin our KS1 teaching assistant. Miss McMorrin has spent some time gaining experience and working towards her level 3 teaching assistant qualification at Henderson.  Miss McMorrin has accepted a new job nearer to her home location and we wish her all the success in finishing her qualifications and enjoying her new role.

    Bring your Coat to School

    Please ensure that your child has a coat in school each day as it is getting extremely cold in the mornings.

    This week, we have had to remind a number of children to bring their coats to school as we need to ensure that the children are insulated and equipped for the colder weather - especially if the curriculum takes their learning outdoors!

    Please also take extra caution on our public pathways into school as it can be incredibly icy. Our Caretaker is doing his best to ensure they are as safe as we can possibly make them.

    Thank you

    Future dates

    • Every Tuesday this half term 2.45pm  - EYFS/KS1 Reading Sessions
    • 4th December - Year 4/5 to sing at Ivy Care Home
    • 4th December - Disco Tickets available to purchase
    • 6th December - Y6 UEA Trip
    • 6th December - Y3 Norwich Castle Trip
    • 7th December - Christmas Lunch
    • 7th December - Christmas Jumper Day (£1 donation)
    • 8th December - Year 5 Farm Trip
    • 14th December - Christmas Fayre 3.30pm-5pm (All families welcome)
    • 15th December - Christmas Nativity (EYFS/KS1) Morning performance
    • 15th December - Christmas Performance (KS2) Afternoon performance
    • 18th December - Year 2/3 visit to local church
    • 19th December - Christmas Discos - KS1 (3.30- 4.15) KS2 (4.30-5.30)

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