Henderson Green Primary Academy Newsletter - 22nd September 2023

    • September 22, 2023

    Attendance this week


    Mrs Gribble


    Miss Coley

    Deputy Headteacher

    Every Moment Counts!

    This week, we have seen some fantastic learning inside and outside of our classrooms. In the mornings, the children have been working extremely hard on their reading, writing and maths. In the classrooms, we have heard some fantastic blending of sounds and reading aloud. All of the children are enjoying their new core texts and can talk about the characters in their stories confidently. In maths, the children are really working hard on their place value knowledge and times tables.


    We are continuing to work on our new school moto:

    Be Ready, Be Respectful and Be Safe.

    This week, the children have been focusing on Be Ready. Teachers and Teaching Staff have handed out lots of house points, stickers and positive praise this week for children showcasing this focus. We have also awarded lots of certificates today in Celebration Assembly today for right choices and amazing work! Well done everyone!

    Let's Celebrate Attendance

    Our whole school attendance this week was 93.3%. In first place are Reception with 100%, second place was Year 1 with 97% and in third place was Year 4 with 95.4%.

    Children at the end of term with 100% attendance will be awarded with a certificate and invited to afternoon tea. This will reset at the beginning of every half term. Polite reminder gates open from 8.30am. Registration starts at 8:40 and closes at 8:50am. Pupils who arrive after this time will be marked as late. From 9:10 the register will be closed. School day ends at 3:15pm.

    Looking Smart

    The children are continuing to come into school looking incredibly smart. Polite reminder children in Year 2 and above need to be wearing their school tie and jumpers need to be uniformed.

    A full list of the uniform is on our website. http://www.hendersongreenprimary.co.uk/uniform

    Reminder we are now entering the colder, wetter months, so please send your child into school with a waterproof coat.

    EYFS/KS1 Reading Sessions/ Meet the Teacher Event

    To promote reading for pleasure Reception, Year 1 and 2 would like to invite parents in

    every Monday this half term at 2:45pm to attend our daily story time sessions. Sessions will start next Monday 25th September. This is a wonderful opportunity for you to come and see some of the lovely stories we have in school and for you to spend some quality reading time with your child. We have some super stories to share with you all!

    We also have our meet the teacher event next Thursday 28th September 3:15 - 4pm. During the event, you will have the opportunity to meet with your child’s classroom teacher, take a look at your child’s learning thus far and ask any questions you may have about the exciting year ahead.  We look forward to seeing you next week!

    Crucial Crew Trip

    Today, Mr Nicholson took Year 6 to the Nest to attend Crucial Crew a multi-agency education project, led by Norfolk Fire and Rescue Service. The event is aimed for year 6 students across the county to deliver safety messages in a fun and interactive way through hazards presented in a safe environment. The Year 6s had a fantastic time and stayed engaged in all of the activities. They certainly have learnt how to Be Safe today!

    Well done everyone!

    Future dates

    • Monday 25th September - Individual and sibling photos.
    • Monday 25th September - EYFS/KS1 Reading Sessions
    • Thursday 28th September - Meet the Teacher Event


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