Henderson Green Primary Academy Newsletter - 20th October 2023

    • October 20, 2023

    Attendance this week


    Mrs Gribble


    Miss Coley

    Deputy Headteacher

    Every Moment Counts!

    We have had such a successful half term at Henderson Green Primary. Our staff have worked extremely hard to successfully introduce new elements to our curriculum, children have participated in a number of extracurricular activities, new afterschool clubs have started, successful reading sessions have been implemented, interventions are continuously showing impact, exciting school trips have started and most importantly the children are happy and we are celebrating their successes weekly.

    We are so pleased with the progress the children have made in the last few weeks,and we are excited for the opportunities that await them next half term and the rest of the year. We would like to take this opportunity to say thank you to all of our parents and carers who have supported us this half term and we wish you a happy half term. 

    Winning House Team

    House Points for this half term.

    Birch- 1499

    Willow- 1432

    Lime- 1363

    Cherry- 1394

    Well done to Birch team this half term! On Thursday children in Birch were able to celebrate their winning success in non-uniform day. The teams have been reset, let's see who will be the winning team next half term.

    Let's Celebrate Attendance

    Our whole school attendance this week was 94.3%. In first place this week is Reception 100%, second place is Year 6 with 98.8% and in third place was Year 4 with 94%. We are excited to announce that this half term we had 78 children who achieved 100% attendance. At the beginning of next half term, Miss Coley and Mrs Gribble will be celebrating with these children. All children will now have the opportunity to reset to see if they can accomplish 100% attendance for Autumn 2.

    Harvest Assembly

    We are so proud of the children working together as a school to put on our Harvest Assemblies today. Whether you came to the morning or afternoon performance I am sure you will agree they put on an amazing performance. Their singing certainly raised goosebumps to the SLT team - it was lovely to hear them being united and singing passionately. Thank you so much for all the donations and to the teachers for organising. This is the beginning of our wonderful performances this year. It was lovely to see the community come together and a special thank you to Tom Woods for coming across from Crossroads Church.

    Reading Sessions EYFS/KS1

    As a school we are committed to ensuring that every child gets the best start possible to help them learn to read, enjoy stories and develop a love for reading so it enables children to make connections to the real world. 

    Following the success from last half term, and to ensure everyone has the opportunity to attend sessions to promote reading for pleasure in Reception, Year 1 and 2 we would like to invite parents/careers in
    every Tuesday next half term at 2:45pm to attend our daily story time sessions. The first session will start on Tuesday 31st October. 

    This is a wonderful opportunity for you to come and see some of the lovely stories we have in school and for you to spend some quality reading time with your child. We have some super stories to share with you all!

    On these days, please come through the school office where you will need to sign the sign in sheet. A member of staff will then escort you to the classroom you wish to attend. Children will be able to leave with you as normal at the end of the day.

    KS2 Reading Session dates will be coming soon!

    Eco Team Success!

    We were delighted to have a shout out from 'Energy Sparks' this week. Behind the scenes the Eco Team and Miss Coley have been recording everything they and we have been doing as a school to be more energy efficient. This term, Mrs White has completed her Energy Sparks training so she will be able to record our progress going forward but I just wanted to say a big well done for this half term. We are currently sat in first place with 425 points. 

    With the colder months approaching the Eco Team and school will be taking measures to ensure we are as energy efficient as possible. What a fantastic start to Autumn 1, next half term we will be visited by a member of Energy Sparks so we can continue with our progress and positive achievements. 

    Well done everyone - Miss Coley

    Future dates

    • Monday 23rd to Friday 27th October - Half-term holiday
    • Monday 30th October - Return to school
    • Every Tuesday next half term 2.45pm  - EYFS/KS1 Reading Sessions
    • Thursday 2nd November - Reception Open Event 11am-12pm. Please contact office to book.
    • Thursday 2nd November - Year 5 start swimming
    • W/C 6th November - UK Parliament week
    • W/C 13th November - Anti-bullying week
    • 17th November - Children in Need
    • W/C 20th November - Parents Evening Week
    • 22nd November - Reception Class Trip
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