Every Moment Counts!
This week we have seen the sun shine each day which has meant the children have been outside enjoying the new playground equipment in lovely weather. The children have embraced the variety of equipment on offer and finding new ways to play kindly together.
As the weather is changing all children need to come to school with a water bottle and sun hat. Please apply sun cream before they come to school in the morning. All children need to be well protected in the summer sunshine and have plenty of water to drink.
Children have been making excellent choices this week. Two children in Year 3 went and supported a child from another class who was feeling alone and they all played together. Year 3 have worked hard to help Mr Harding become a Rock Hero on Times Tables Rock Stars. They have given him helpful tips on learning his times-tables and getting faster. He is almost there. He just needs to practice his 12s!
Year 5 and 6 had a wonderful trip to the UEA this week. They met and learned from an award- winning author. They also created their own awesome pieces of poetry or creative writing. The children’s behaviour at all times was exceptional.
Shout out for support for new members/helpers for the Friends of HGPA. If you are interested then please contact the school office.
Unfortunately, there will not be a Summer Fair this year. Rather than rush something together that will not be good enough for our community, we want to begin planning now for a super Christmas Fayre. We hope you understand the reasons for this difficult decision.
Let's Celebrate Attendance
Our whole school attendance this week was 91.9%. This is a drop from last week, which we strive to increase next week.
In first place this week is Year 6 with 93.9%, second place is Year 1 with 93.6% and in third place was Year 4 with 92%.
Star Pupils!
Our Star Pupils this week are:
Rocket Kyle - for working independently and making good choices.
Reception Ellie - for demonstrating maturity and settling back in so well after her broken leg.
Year 1 Zara - this week Zara has been setting an amazing example at how to be ready quickly. She is focused and engaged in our learning. In Maths she has shown great effort and understanding of time. Well done Zara; keep up the good work!
Year 2 Patrick - for fantastic effort all week, showing great focus; super perseverance and great confidence- particularly in his Maths work.
Year 3 Liam - For working hard in maths and following instructions.
Year 4 Riley - Always being positive, working super hard, being an amazing friend and being first in the whole school for TTRS!
Year 5 Tanatswa - For always trying his best and having the courage to read out his poem to the class at the UEA Author trip.
Year 6 Amelia-Rose - for showing an improved attitude to her learning and behaviours. She has taken more responsibility with completing her work and making the right choices.
Pastoral - Kyle - For making good choices.
Playground pals - Lena and Yaqueen - for helping with playground activities.
Well done everyone! We are extremely proud of you.
Parent cafe
Every Thursday morning we will be holding a parent cafe which will support you with a variety of issues such as any questions you have about school life, helping you complete forms, asking about key challenges you are facing at home and needing support with or you have something specific you need help with.
A member of our pastoral team, senior leadership team and office staff will be available to support you in any way we can.
This will be a weekly event, so we look forward to seeing you every Thursday in the school hall - 8.30am - 9.30am
Free School Meals
A reminder that if your child is in Yr2, they will no longer be entitled to a universal free school meal when they move into Yr3. You may still be entitled to free school meals and you can check if you are at www.norfolk.gov.uk/neo You could save up to £400 a year.
Future dates
Henderson Green Primary Academy,
Earlham Grove,
Norwich, NR5 8DX
Telephone: 01603 628030
Henderson Green Primary Academy is part of the Unity Schools Partnership. They are contactable via the following details:
Unity Schools Partnership Offices, Homefield Road, Haverhill, Suffolk, CB9 8QP.
Telephone: 01440 333400.