Every Moment Counts!
We have had another fantastic week at Henderson. Thank you to all the parents who have visited us for our parents evening week, your feedback has been nothing but positive which we extremely value and take pride in. We really appreciate your honest feedback so that we can continuously make improvements to drive the school forward.
This week, in addition to the fantastic learning which has been happening in school, we celebrated our Science successes across the trust; Holkham class went on their first ever school trip and Year 4 had the UEA Maths Outreach team in, this event was the last of three. Each experience has been a wonderful opportunity for children to get involved in maths with a different approach to classroom teaching.
As always, thank you all for your continued support.
We really do aim for a strong community approach at Henderson Green.
Let's Celebrate Attendance
Our whole school attendance this week was 92.3%. In first place this week is Year 6 with 96%, second place is Year 4 with 93.8% and in third place was Reception with 91.4%.
Reminder, as a school, we are no longer allowed to authorise any requests for children to be taken out of school for a holiday during term time.
Star Pupils!
This weeks stars in celebration assembly were...
Year 1 Jahvonchez -
Jahvonchez has come in everyday this week ready to learn. He has been trying really hard in his learning, especially in phonics. Well done Jahvonchez!
Year 2 Harrison - For trying his best when it comes to making sensible choices and sitting beautifully on the carpet.
Year 3 Enya - In Cromer Class, we are really proud of Enya for her effort with her writing!
Year 4 Daisy - Our star of the week is Daisy! She has made huge progress in her independence and is able to complete her work every lesson. She was also able to join in with group work on our Maths morning with the UEA. Brilliant work, Daisy!
Year 5 Ella - The Star this week is Ella - she is completing more work and making the right choices when asked. Keep up the good work. .
Year 6 Oliver W- Horsey’s star of the week is Oliver W. Oliver has been a great role model to all, both on the playground and throughout the school by consistently being Ready, Respectful and Safe. Great job Oliver!
This week, we also celebrated the winners of our Children in Need colouring competition.
Well done everyone! We are extremely proud of you.
Reception School Trip
On Wednesday, the children in Reception class went on a very exciting trip to The Playhouse Theatre in Norwich. Here we watched a mesmerizing performance of The Gruffalo's Child. The children watched with eager eyes and enjoyed lots of audience participation. After the show had finished, we had a picnic lunch followed by a walk through Norwich to The Millenium Library in The Forum. Children were able to get their own library cards, borrow books and had a fantastic story session with the library staff. What a busy and exciting day - big thank you to Mrs Leggett for organising!
Aspens Lunches
As a school we are committed to ensuring that every child gets the healthiest meal options in school. Thank you to the parents and carers who attended our taster session last week. It was a great success and everyone went home with some delicious samples of the current and new menu.
Polite reminder:
If your child receives universal meals or you wish for your child to have a school dinner option please ensure you have activated your select meals account (detail reminder sent out today) and select the meals for each day. If you wish, you are also able to select for the whole term. Please note, from the 1st of December if your child's lunch is not selected they will receive the pasta lunch option.
If you need any assistance with this, please speak to the office. Thank you
Totally Roarsome Maths in Year 4
Over the last three weeks, our Year 4 class have been working alongside the Sir Isaac Newton Maths Outreach team and the University of East Anglia Maths Outreach team. The children have taken part in some engaging and totally roar-some maths activities. Primary schools from across Norfolk have taken part in this experience and we were lucky to be one of them.
As part of Maths Week England 2023, these events were a wonderful experience for children to get involved in maths with a different approach to classroom teaching. Such events hope to inspire the next generation of mathematicians and to provide opportunities for children to gain confidence in their maths skills and abilities.
Well done Year 4, you have made us proud. Thank you to Ms Bygrave for organising and Mrs Keal and Mrs Massen for facilitating.
Future dates
Henderson Green Primary Academy,
Earlham Grove,
Norwich, NR5 8DX
Telephone: 01603 628030
Henderson Green Primary Academy is part of the Unity Schools Partnership. They are contactable via the following details:
Unity Schools Partnership Offices, Homefield Road, Haverhill, Suffolk, CB9 8QP.
Telephone: 01440 333400.