Every Moment Counts!
There are no breaks here! What another jam-packed week we have had. The staff and children started the week in odd socks to launch anti-bullying week and ended the week with pennies and pyjamas for Children in Need. The theme of anti-bullying week 2023 is make some noise. This week, in PSHE sessions the children would have expressed their voice around bullying and what we do as a school to address bullying.
Around our ever busy curriculum, this week, we also had a visit from Tom Woods our local church family worker, Aspens came to deliver an after school taster session, some children in Year 4 ventured out on a maths mastery day and EYFS/Key Stage, Rocket and Year 5 had their fantastic parent reading sessions. Meanwhile, Reception have been extremely busy working with Mr Wellard (EYFS Trust Lead) developing their outdoor area - see snap captured below!
I hope you have all enjoyed sharing your child's learning thus far. We have had some lovely feedback, next week is parents evening week, so this will be another opportunity for you to share your child's learning journey thus far. If you haven't signed up yet - please speak to your child's class teacher.
Thank you all for your continued support.
Let's Celebrate Attendance
Our whole school attendance this week was 92.6%. In first place this week is Year 5 with 96.7%, second place is Year 4 with 96.4% and in third place was Year 6 with 95.4%.
Reminder, as a school, we are no longer allowed to authorise any requests for children to be taken out of school for a holiday during term time.
Star Pupils!
This weeks stars in celebration assembly were...
Year 1 Chadley - For being ready for all of his learning this week. You have blown Mr Diprose away with your mathematical skills!
Year 2 Josh B - For always being mindful of others and taking care of friends when they get hurt.
Year 3 Bonnie and Austyn - In Cromer class, we are proud of Bonnie and Austyn for showing kindness and community spirit by tidying the corridors without being asked.
Year 4 Yaqeen - Our star of the week is Yaqeen! She has worked super hard with her reading and writing this week and is making great progress. Brilliant work, Yaqeen!
Year 5 Thea - The Star in Year 5 this week is Thea who has been supportive and helpful to others. .
Year 6 Leah- She has been super helpful this week whilst Mr Wakelin has been in the class and has been a fantastic role model of how to behave when a visitor is in the class.
This week, we also celebrated our success to raise awareness for Children in Need.
Well done everyone! We are extremely proud of you.
Aspens Workshop
As a school we are committed to ensuring that every child gets the healthiest meal options in school. Thank you to the parents and carers who attended our taster session this Thursday. It was a great success and everyone went home with some delicious samples of the current and new menu.
If your child receives universal meals or you wish for your child to have a school dinner option please ensure you have activated your select meals account (detail reminder sent out today) and select the meals for each day. If you wish, you are also able to select for the whole term. Please note, from the 1st of December if your child's lunch is not selected they will receive the pasta lunch option.
Year 4 Trip to Inspiration Education Trust Hub
On Thursday 16th November, Mrs Massen accompanied a group of year 4s on a maths experience day. They spent the day participating in a range of dinosaur themed math activities. All of the children were extremely engaged and were an asset to the school. Their behaviour was excepmletry and we are extremely proud of their extra curricular achievements - well done.
Raising Awareness Together
As a school, we feel it is really important that we raise awareness and make a difference together. This week, our staff and children wore odd socks on Monday to celebrate what makes us all unique for anti- bullying week!
On Friday 17th November we joined schools across the UK by fundraising for BBC Children in Need. It was a delight to see so many children in their pyjamas today, the children enjoyed filling Pudsey Bear with their 1p and 2ps and we have had some amazing entries for our Pudsey colouring competition - winners will be announced next week.
Thank you to everyone who donated today, every little amount goes a long way.
Future dates
Henderson Green Primary Academy,
Earlham Grove,
Norwich, NR5 8DX
Telephone: 01603 628030
Henderson Green Primary Academy is part of the Unity Schools Partnership. They are contactable via the following details:
Unity Schools Partnership Offices, Homefield Road, Haverhill, Suffolk, CB9 8QP.
Telephone: 01440 333400.