Every Moment Counts!
What a busy week we have had! We launched the week with a 'UK Parliament assembly', which introduced the children to their exciting PSHE activities celebrating British Values. On Tuesday, we had a visit from Energy Sparks who celebrated our current success with the programme and spent time working with the Eco Team in how we will move our successes forward. This week, Year 4 were visited and spent Thursday afternoon having some fantastic fun whilst developing their maths knowledge and finally we have had lots of successful workshops, meetings and reading sessions. As a school, we are so excited to see our development growing across the curriculum with our children and teachers but equally continuing to build our community relationships.
Thank you all for your continued support.
Let's Celebrate Attendance
Our whole school attendance this week was 93.4%. In first place this week is Year 4 with 98.2%, second place is Year 6 with 97.1% and in third place was Year 5 with 94.6%.
Reminder, as a school, we are no longer allowed to authorise any requests for children to be taken out of school for a holiday during term time.
Star Pupils!
This weeks stars in celebration assembly were...
Year 1 Alzalfa - Alzafla has been doing some powerful learning. In DT Alzalfa was able to remind the class what the word linear meant, and then make an amazing slider with a linear movement. Great job Alzalfa!
Year 2 Sarah - For always trying her best in her phonics group, blending her words and using her Fred fingers.
Year 3 Ashton B - In Cromer class, we are proud of Ashton B for the effort he has been putting into improving his Reading Buddy progress!
Year 4 Willow - Willow works extremely hard and always has great learning behaviour. She has made excellent in Maths this term and is showing lots of confidence in lessons. Brilliant work, Willow!
Year 5 Willow - Willow has been amazing all week - showing me she is ready - trying her best. She has completed some amazing DT work - sewing a button and making a paper pattern.
Year 6 Declan D - In Horsey, we are so proud of Declan Drummee for being ready to engage with his lessons. He showed this with his clear and detailed answers to questions.
This week, we also celebrated our success of remaining top of the East of England Energy Sparks scoreboard with 455 points! Going forward, we will be introducing a school mascot in which the children will compete to win each week.
At the end of assembly, we also celebrated Remembrance Sunday with a song and a think about the importance of remembering.
Well done everyone! We are extremely proud of you.
Reading Sessions/Workshops
As a school we are committed to ensuring that every child gets the best start possible to help them learn to read, enjoy stories and develop a love for reading so it enables children to make connections to the real world.
Thank you to those who attended the EYFS/KS1 reading sessions this week, the KS2 and KS1 Phonic workshops and the Year 3 Reading session. The children in Year 3 had a fantastic time creating circuses around the story. Please ensure that your children are reading and this is being recorded in their reading records each week.
Friends of Henderson Green
Thank you to those who attended our 'Friends' of Henderson Green Meeting. It was so lovely to sit and discuss the work and effort which has historically been put into the 'Friends' and this is something we wish to continue to evolve this year. Please note that all parents are welcome to become members of the ‘Friends’ when their child joins the school. The fund raising events organised by the dedicated and successful ‘Friends’ committee will continue to provide our school with fundraise for much needed facilities or those little extras that enhance the children’s lives in school.
This half term to fundraise, we will be holding a KS1 and KS2 Xmas Disco, a Christmas Fair and we have got involved with a fundraising Christmas Project. The Christmas Project is a perfect opportunity for us to fundraise for charity, raise money for our school and give the children the opportunity to have their art work to be printed on a variety of products and for parents to buy keepsake memorable gifts. These products will range from £3 - £11.
Further information about all of the above events will follow soon.
Our school is indebted to the work of our 'Friends' our next meeting will be on
we would welcome anyone to join and if you are unable to attend our termly meetings, but you are able to support at the events this is equally important to us and we would welcome and thank you for your support.
Raising Awareness
As a school, we feel it is really important that we raise awareness and make a difference together. Last half term, we were blown away with the levels of your support and we feel it is really important our children learn from these experiences.
This week, you received a letter about how we will be raising awareness this half term. Next week, to launch anti-bullying week children and adults to wear odd socks to celebrate what makes us all unique!
Friday 17th November we will be joining schools across the UK by fundraising for BBC Children in Need. We will be wearing pyjamas and asking for a £1 donation. Please see the letter for further information.
Future dates
Henderson Green Primary Academy,
Earlham Grove,
Norwich, NR5 8DX
Telephone: 01603 628030
Henderson Green Primary Academy is part of the Unity Schools Partnership. They are contactable via the following details:
Unity Schools Partnership Offices, Homefield Road, Haverhill, Suffolk, CB9 8QP.
Telephone: 01440 333400.