Henderson Green Primary Academy Newsletter - 26th January 2024

    • January 26, 2024

    Attendance this week


    Mrs Gribble


    Miss Coley

    Deputy Headteacher

    Every Moment Counts!

    It has been a busy week at Henderson Green Primary Academy. In assembly this week, we discussed the importance of staying safe in and outside of school. We discussed who are the 'trusted adults' in these environments. On learning walks, it is evident that the children are working incredibly hard and have enjoyed developing their understanding of their new topics. Miss Coley has been incredibly impressed this week, with the children in phonic groups confidentially knowing their sounds and using their fred fingers to spell.

    We sadly say goodbye to Mrs Watson, who we thank for her support in Reception and send her with our very best wishes. A letter has been sent to Reception parents for further information. On exciting news, Mrs Jones, an experienced Headteacher, has joined us for one term in January to support the Senior Leadership Team and she will remain here until the Easter holidays.

    We are looking forward to our first KS2 Movie Night - tickets available from next week.

    Thank you for your continuing support.

    Let's Celebrate Attendance

    Our whole school attendance this week was 88.1%. This is a drop from last week, which we strive to increase next week. 


    In first place this week is Year 1 with 99.6%, second place is Year 4 with 92.1% and in third place was Year 5 with 91.3%.

    Reminder, as a school, we are no longer allowed to authorise any requests for children to be taken out of school for a holiday during term time.

    Star Pupils!

    Our Star Pupils this week are:

    Rocket Zaid -  Zaid has been exploring different areas in the classroom, joining in when singing. He even said Hello to all of Rocket class and we were all very excited. Well done Zaid!

    Reception Vienna - For always making the right choices and being a great friend to her peers.
    Year 1 Akeelah - Akeelah has set an amazing example to the class at how to be ready, be respectful and be safe. This week we did greater than and less than in maths, which was very tricky. But Akeelah didn’t give up. She was able to come back and complete her tricky maths. Well done for not giving up!

    Year 2  Matteo - For being an amazing member of the class. He is always trying his best and striving for accuracy. He has been exceptional in D&T where we have been sewing 

    Year 3 Ura - In Cromer, we are proud of Ura for her amazing efforts and independent work in maths and writing!

    Year 4 Riley - For working extremely hard in his maths this week and helping his peers in collaborative discussions.

    Year 5 Thea- In Sea Palling our star is Thea as she has found an exciting author and can’t stop reading. Keep it up!

    Year 6 Zion - In Horsey, we are so proud of Zion for thinking deeply and philosophically during our RE lesson and raising pertinent and thought-provoking points.

    Well done everyone! We are extremely proud of you.

    Scholastic Book Fair

    Following the success of the travelling book fair last term, it will be returning on the 7th of February until the 14th!

    Next week, children will be given the chance to win some vouchers which can be used to have a free book or contribute towards it.

    Reading Reminders

    We politely remind you that it is great importance that your child is coming into school everyday with their reading book and reading record.

    On Wednesday 7th February, during Children's Mental Health Week, KS2 will be taking part in a virtual author visit with Sunday Times bestselling author, UK Youth Mental Health Ambassador and A&E doctor, Dr Alex George.

    Alex will be giving the students essential tips and advice for managing their mental health with confidence and will also discuss his two books for children- a mental health handbook called A Better Day, and his latest practical activity book, A Better Day Journal. If you would like your child to have a book, with Dr Alex. A letter went out last week regarding information to purchase.

    If you need any support with the above please contact your child's class teacher or our English Lead Mrs Tibble.

    Mother's Day Assembly

    A date for the diary, on Friday 8th March we would like to welcome parents into celebration assembly for a Mother's Day performance. The assembly will begin at 2.30pm

    Children will be creating their own invitations in class - so keep an eye out for these in the next few weeks.

    Future dates

    • Every Thursday 2.45pm  - EYFS/KS1 Reading Sessions
    • 5th February - KS2 Movie Night 3.30pm -5.15pm (letter sent today)
    • 5th - 11th February - Children's Mental Health Week
    • 7th-14th February - Scholastic Book Fair
    • 7th February - Dr Alex’s George Virtual Author Live Stream
    • 7th February - E-Safety Day
    • 19th -23rd February - February Half term
    • 8th March - Mother's Day Assembly 2.30pm

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