Henderson Green Primary Academy Newsletter - 9th February 2024

    • February 9, 2024

    Attendance this week


    Mrs Gribble


    Miss Coley

    Deputy Headteacher

    Every Moment Counts!

    As always, it has been another busy week at Henderson. On Monday, we managed to raise £72 towards our friends of Henderson Green fund as we had our first movie night! It was a great success, the children were well mannered and behaved whilst watching Sonic 2. A big thank you to the friends, Mrs Tibble and Mrs Blackley who stayed after hours to support.

    This week in school, all of the children have been began practising singing for our performance next half term. EYFS and KS1 have been showing off their RWI progress in end of term assessments.  We have had a big focus on wellbeing as we celebrated E-Safety Day and Children's Mental Health week. Children in KS2 really enjoyed their virtual author.

    Next week, is the final week of term and is Miss Coley's last week with us. We wish her the best of luck in her journey back to Lingwood as Deputy Headteacher and thank her for all of her help and support given to Henderson this academic year thus far.

    Thank you for your continuing support.

    Let's Celebrate Attendance

    Our whole school attendance this week was 93.6%. This is a drop from last week, which we strive to increase next week. 

    In first place this week is Year 1 with 95.8%, second place is Year 4 with 94.7% and in third place was Year 5 with 94.6%.

    Reminder, as a school, we are no longer allowed to authorise any requests for children to be taken out of school for a holiday during term time.

    Star Pupils!

    Our Star Pupils this week are:

    Rocket Degan -  Degan for working really hard on his Phonics, his shown determination in producing sounds he finds tricky. Degan has been practising his sounds in his playing time.

    Reception Eshaan - For settling in well to Reception, listening carefully in class and being keen to help the teacher.
    Year 1 Zara - This week Zara has been working really hard in maths. Exploring how we can swap parts in a number sentence to make a new number sentence. Well done Zara!

    Year 2  Penny - For always using her initiative and working extremely hard in Geography comparing London and Nairobi.  

    Year 3 Abbie - In Cromer Class, we are really proud of Abbie for always listening and giving whole class feedback when asked.

    Year 4 Molly - Our star this week is Molly! She has made amazing progress in reading this term. Brilliant work, Molly!

    Year 5 Milosz- The star in Year 5 is Milosz. He’s worked hard to master the vocabulary and formulas for adding and subtracting fractions and can explain his thinking.

    Year 6 Zach and Leah - In Horsey, we are so proud of Zach and Leah for showing a great attitude to supporting others. It has been particularly prevalent in Breakfast Club.

    The winners of house points this half term is WILLOW TEAM! They will be rewarded with a non-uniform day next Friday.

    Well done everyone! We are extremely proud of you.

    Scholastic Book Fair


    Thank you to everyone who has visited the travelling book fair this week! Please remember it is here everyday after school until the 13th. Over the last week, the children have been challenged with a reading task by Mrs Tibble. Children received a token for each day they read and recorded in their diaries. In celebration assembly today, we excitedly drew tokens and awarded two children in Reception and Rocket with free books and six other children from Year 1 -6 with a voucher to purchase a book from the fair.

    Well done to every child who has increased their reading amounts in the last week and to Mrs Tibble for organising.

    Spring 2 After School Clubs

    After another successful half term of after school clubs, we are excitingly offering new clubs for next half term. Next half term the clubs are as followed:

    Tuesday 3.15-4pm Bush Craft – Year 1 

    Wednesday 3.15-4pm Football Year 3 and 4 

    Thursday 3:15-4pm Multi Skills Year 5 and 6

    After school club letters were sent out to pupils this week. Please return your permission forms to the school office and the office will inform you if you have been successful with a free place. 

    Mother's Day Assembly

    A date for the diary, on Friday 8th March we would like to welcome parents into celebration assembly for a Mother's Day performance. The assembly will begin at 2.30pm.

    Children will be creating their own invitations in class - so keep an eye out for these in the next few weeks.

    Future dates

    • Every Thursday 2.45pm  - EYFS/KS1 Reading Sessions
    • 19th -23rd February - February Half term
    • 8th March - Mother's Day Assembly 2.30pm
    • 8th March - World Book Day

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